THE PARADIGM SHIFT - May 21 - now has a fairly accurate model for predicting who an average user will end up with. This new model completely replaces their old chemistry test. will give you a set of 30 matches that you are most likely going to end up dating.
The full article was originally published at The Paradigm Shift, but is no longer available.
Change is not always good,
yet is certainly inevitable.
Many recent changes at
PlentyofFish are appreciated.
or, at least, understandable.
Except one.
One fundamental feature was deleted
which renders PoF far far less useful,
and brings into question these
"predictions" in this article.
PlentyOfFish has REMOVED the ability
to delete | hide | block those Matches
a User would rather never view again
in a Search.
I am a metaphysical flowerchild from
the Left Coast, now living in Georgia,
where far too many Local Matches believe
Jesus drives for NASCAR while munching
deep-fried Twinkies.
An initial geographic incompatability
in the 80th percentile. Over and over.
Much rather see a short list of the
same ol' 'Maybes' I choose for ME
instead of this new limited-to-50
loop of robotic REDUNDANT 'No Ways'.
Regarding this new PoF "predictive" model -
it would HAVE TO produce far more accurate
results if and when each prediction could
compare itself with our string of (forgive
me, ladies) Rejects.
The math makes my head spin.
The mechanics appear simple.
All i want ask BEG of you, Marcus,
is to restore our ability to
"delete/hide/block/remove" NOW!
As far as your CODE?
Easiest (and best) is to embed said button
withing the core Profile Template - so it
will be available on EVERY Profile within
EVERY Category.
(New Users | Will Respond | Matches | ALL)
EVERY other Dating site has this
fundamental common-sense feature
AND has a button to "view rejects"
so we can re-evaluate and restore.
Because the whole point
from a User point of view
At this moment, without any ability
to remove unwanted Matches, PoF has
lost credibility and become a real
"same ol' faces" time-waster.
Yours in appreciative frustration,
marc arno
(PoF: ZenAmbition)
Posted by: Marc Arno | Jul 01, 2010 at 06:18 PM