Got Rogue Affiliates? - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Combson at Yachts

This is risky business and everyone should take care not to force any more restrictions and regulations! More respect for the visitors, more money at the end!

David Evans

Every dating site with an affiliate program has a few if not many rogues. If it drives members, dating sites tend to turn a blind eye. I think you will agree that most dating site affiliate ads are not very good, surprising and how little effort is placed on such an important marketing channel. Look at, there is a reason why they crush it, dynamically-generated ads based on location and lots of different types of ads.


Depends how you define rogue. The majority of affiliates are doing this.

David Evans

Good point Markus. There are a lot of gray areas when it comes to affiliate marketing that are always being exploited. FB takes down thousands of ads every week that don't meet their guidelines, let along finding improper affiliate ads.

Mark Brooks

A rogue affiliate is one who uses marketing tactics to mislead users, and/or sends junk or scammer traffic. Basically, the traffic converts in the short term, just long enough to get the affiliate paid, but leaves the brand in jeopardy long term.

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