NY POST - Aug 29 - People are way harsher online than they are in real life. The sexes have one thing in common -- they both lie. 24% of men and 13% of women lie about their age. Men are on average 2 inches shorter than they say in their profiles, while women are an inch shorter. About 50% of daters fib about their weight. Almost everyone exaggerates their income by 20%, according to trends tracked by OKCupid.
The full article was originally published at NY Post, but is no longer available.
Wow, thanks for the statistics.
And I agree about harsher people online. They are more selective and picky too. Some men don't even try to be polite or at least considerate.
Posted by: Russian Dating | Aug 31, 2010 at 07:24 PM
if you want to meet real latin girls go for a place that works on that, otherway, your are getting a scam...
Posted by: Andres Montenegro | Oct 04, 2010 at 10:13 PM