NY TIMES - July 11 - Jennifer Davis Tarr is to be married today to Christopher Roger Coyne. Roger is working on the development of OkCupid.com, an Internet dating service, of which he is the president. He was a founder in 1999 of TheSpark.com, a humor Web site, and of SparkNotes, a series of condensed versions of classic literature, world history, math, economics and philosophy study guides. He also graduated from Harvard. Jennifer's father, when he was at Harvard in the 1960's, was a founder of the first computer dating service, called Operation Match, for which applicants would send in a paper form, which would be turned into punch cards and six weeks later they would get a list of names and phone numbers.' FULL ARTICLE @ NY TIMES
Mark Brooks: Coincidences or fate? This is old news from 2004, but interesting news.