OPW - Oct 25 - Contact Josh if you are interested in any of his idating domains: HinduCafe.com ($1,000), and $3,000 for the following 6 domains: EpiscopalianCafe.com, EvangelicalCafe.com, LutheranCafe.com, MethodistCafe.com, MormonCafe.com, PresbyterianCafe.com.
Charles is selling humanconnectology.com for $10K. (Human connectology is the study of why people seem to feel strong connections with some new acquaintances and not with others).
Contact Florian if you would like to buy his domains: single-roulette.com, singleroulette.com, singleroulette.net. The asking price is $799 and will include singleroulette.de and single-roulette.de. Update (Dec 13): The price was lowered to $399.
Ummm, Josh, you should do your homework. There's a reason MormonCafe.com isn't of much use.
Check out Mitt Romney at a campaign stop in 2008:
Why's that coffee cup turned over?
Posted by: Sam Moorcroft, ChristianCafe.com | Oct 27, 2010 at 02:15 PM
Are this domains are old domains? Just want to ask because i dont want to lose my money in some stuff that i'm not sure of. Hope to hear from you.
Posted by: Ricardo Mendes | Oct 29, 2010 at 01:08 PM