DAILY MAIL - Oct 16 - EasyDate was founded five years ago by Bill Dobbie, an entrepreneurial Scot who already knew a fair bit about the potential of the internet, having set up and sold an online DVD rental business. Dobbie was looking for a new venture and hit on online dating. Since then, internet dating has mushroomed and EasyDate has developed into a company valued on the stock market at £85m. EasyDate operates in 29 countries and recently bought cupid.com in the US. ~20% of the group’s revenue comes from outside Britain and Dobbie hopes to increase that to 50% in the next few years. Analysts forecast rapid growth for the firm as profits are expected to more than double from £2.3M in 2009 to £5.2M this year and £8.5M in 2011. FULL ARTICLE @ DAILY MAIL
Mark Brooks: I made the intro for EasyDate to Cupid. ;-)
Mark Brooks: I made the intro for EasyDate to Cupid. ;-)