Siamak Ayani, CEO Of OculusAI - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Gay Boy

moderation is a great way to rid the industry of scammers

Mutual Friends

I'm sure there is a correlation between length of photo review time and conversion. That's why sites where photos go online immediately are so popular. You have to get people to convert while they're on the site and still excited about it. That means now!

Facebook and social networks take a reactive moderation approach, moderating photos in retrospect or allowing users to report them. This is perfectly adequate in "walled garden" sites, but online dating sites have to be more careful.

However I can't believe that 20% of photos on major online dating sites are rejected - does anyone else have any figures that support that claim? In our experience it is more like 0.05% that need rejecting.

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