Smartdate Scores Another €3.5 Million - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Good luck to Smartdate ;)


I registered 2 weeks ago. So far I have got messages from 8 different girls. All of them Fakes who want me to write them on their private email accounts outside Smartdate.

They definitively have a huge spam / scam problem.

Fabrice Le Parc

Sorry Christian you've had a bad experience, we're doing our best to remove those profiles, and have a whole team devoted to moderation.
Many other people have had positive experiences and I hope you'll give us another try.


How can I know that search for single people is exactly among friends of my friends?


I used the service of Smartdate for three months and I am more than satisfied with it as I finally found the woman for me, Emma. It was not so easy because as it always happens in all contact sites there were some scammers that make you waste some time. It was definitely worth it though as it has been six months allready that Emma and I are together in a wonderful relationship.


It works well for me, I did manage to find friends of friends through the facebook. Easy, fast and discreet.


To me it's been working ok, really like the chat and the design. I did report few fake profiles but guess, they managed to filter those out now, not seeing any of those Africans or whatnot any longer.

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