EuropeinLove: New International Free Dating Site - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Online Dating Advice

Sounds interesting. I will be sure to check this site out for a possible review.


Hello Mark,

Thank you for your interest in EuropeinLove. I am Anita, the creator of the website. Hmm.. Well, my goal is not to create a website for scammers - why would I? Our team does all the best to avoid scammers. Maybe before preparing an article you could contact me for more details as they where provided in my press release.

EuropeinLove is a new website where people can find the partner for life. For the moment its free website, but probably I will have to change the plan as obviously with notion 'free' it is difficult to have good image.

I come from Latvia, but I live in France now and therefore the idea of connecting people from East and West is appealing to me. I guess we all work on ideas that appeals to us and do our best to make them work.

All the best,
Anita from

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