Chris Walker, Founder Of - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Well the site needs more work because I just searched for women within 15 miles of my zip code and it came back with "No members match the search criteria you have selected" which is wrong and ridiculous as there are 1000's of women on a myriad of sites that fit this criteria.Oh well,really it's just easier to search any given site itself.


Amateur hour.

Glenn G. Millar

JB and Jeff - Give him a break. It's a new site and it looks like they are just getting partners. The principle seems very sound, much like aggregators in other industries, ie. travel, insurance, loans, etc. I wonder what Travelocity or Lending Tree looked like when they started.


I didn't say it to be mean.I'm just saying the search engine on the site doesn't work.
I just put in women between 35-55 within 25 miles of my zip code and 1 woman showed up.
So something is wrong over there.Why would anyone use a site that doesn't work when there's so many that are just fine the way they are? That's all.

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