Sunil Nagaraj, Founder Of DateBuzz, Making Online Dating More Fun? - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Hi! I have a question! I was wondering why Datebuzz got closed down. I've never been a "believer" in dating websites, but Datebuzz was actually a great thing. I never thought that I would find even someone that I just wanted to hangout with on there, but I did. My current boyfriend found me on Datebuzz, and after talking, meeting, and hanging out for over a month, we've now been officially together for over 5 months, and I couldn't be happier. Even though I'm sure he'll never read this, I really wanted to thank Mr. Nagaraj for creating that site. Without it, and him, I would've never found Lance. <3

David Houk

Sounds like it was one 'fun' online dating site...but why if there where so many success stories did the site shut down???>


Its strange that DateBuzz closed down so suddenly after getting some good press. Did Sunil just decide to work for Bessemer Venture instead and abandon a possibly money-losing company? Its a good domain name and it would be interesting to get an exit-interview done for Lessons Learned for other aspiring startups.

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