GLOBE AND MAIL - Feb 13 - According to a new U.S. survey of 5,200 single people, only a third would be willing to date someone they met on the job. And only 12% said they actually do date a colleague. “Office romances are few, short and not usually destructive,” said Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist. Only 6% of single women said they had ever dated their boss. People now have many other opportunities to meet potential partners aside from the workplace, most notably via the Internet. Citing another survey of more than 11,000 married people, Dr. Fisher said: “One out of six marriages made in the past three years were between people who met online – more than twice the number who met in bars, clubs or other social events and many more times than through church or place of worship.”
By Susan Pinker
The full article was originally published at Globe and Mail, but is no longer available.
This is an interesting piece, especially as I always had an old statistic stuck in my head; "80% of people meet their partner at or through work".
Was this a figment of my imagination, or has the world moved on since then? Lol
I guess online dating wasn't around then, so people had less choice. It certainly gives hope to the self-employed, like me! :-)
Posted by: Find Me Dates | Feb 15, 2011 at 05:33 AM