TECH CRUNCH - Feb 2 - WooMe targets anyone who signs up for the site with automated messages from women within minutes. And there’s not a single thing you can do on the site that doesn’t lead to the payment page, where the company tries to lure you into registering for $9.99 per month (if you sign up for 6 months, and pay the whole amount upfront). It’s classic bait-and-switch, from the horrible kind. All three of Europe’s finest venture capitalists, Index Ventures, Mangrove Capital Partners and Atomico Ventures have backed the company, together with leading angel investors Klaus Hommels and Oliver Jung. And then there’s the experienced management team, which includes CEO Stephen Stokols and VP of Marketing Steven Sesar. Stokols says that WooMe does not send messages from “fake” users. He claims new users appear on top of people page results, which is why they get disproportionate attention after they just signed up. FULL ARTICLE @ TECH CRUNCH
Great article. Could be scammers? Scammers often hit the newest most active people on a site. Woome needs to do more to beat scammers.
Mark Brooks
usa 212-444-1636 / uk 020-8133-1835
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Feb 03, 2011 at 04:33 PM