Man Creates Dating Site For One - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Scott Valdez

Hey Mark, if you remember any of the other dating sites for one, I'd love to know so I can check them out. I really like this idea. About a year back, I created a Facebook group called Get Jake a Date and invited around 2k people to it in an attempt to get my roommate some hot dates. Didn't work as well as I hoped but he did meet a handful of girls from it and I had at least 5 people I met at social gatherings say "Aren't you that guy that was trying to get his buddy dates on Facebook?" early in the conversation. Funny way for people to recognize you but, frankly, people that ask me if I'm the guy that runs Virtual Dating Assistants have made responding to that icebreaker seem like a walk in the park. -Scott

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