Cyberstalkers Take To Social Networks Over Dating Sites - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Online Dating Expert

This is why people shouldn't get all their data up on facebook for the whole world to see. Also I think children should be thought about the risks that can come from posting everything in the social networks, maybe even in school.
I reviewed a couple of german dating websites on regarding the problem of stalkers. The good thing about the dating sites is that the most of them have staff to deal with such things and ban people that start getting crazy. This is not the case with social networks.


Very few report stalking incidents. No wonder these creeps took to the social networks. More and more networks allow their users to post videos, images, blogs, articles about themselves and that's instant material for any cyberstalker out there. The victims will usually try to break any form of contact with these stalkers but that's not recommended as they will try and find means of stalking you, maybe even in real life. There are some companies out there that offer reputation management and other services that deal legally with these kind of incidents. They are professionals and they know how to handle these creeps appropriately.

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