Woman Files Civil Suit Against Match.com Following Sexual Attack - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Susan J.

This should indeed be included in the screening process for any dating service. Someone could use a fake identity, but as long as the dating service made the best attempt possible to screen for any criminal behavior, then the dating service has done their part.

Yvonne Rice

This is a discussion that we will see more of in the future as safety on the internet starts to be taken seriously by all platforms not just dating. As Mark rightly put it; at least our industry does something about protection of it's members.

In reality the issues of privacy come into play, cost of implementing mandatory background checks and as Susan mentioned, authentication of profiles.

Pain and suffering either physical, financial or emotional is of great concern to all of us. And even Law Enforcement will tell you how difficult it is at the moment to catch predators. Education of how to communicate online effectively is currently our only real tool. Because in reality, dating sites were only ever designed as a facility to connect. It is after all a two dimensional medium.

I really feel for this woman's plight and I am a huge proponent of safety online. However, where does all this lead too? Will it be bars and nightclubs needing background checks on their patrons as well?

Smiles to you Mark,



The individual customers can always do background checks on their dates.
Or maybe Match can add it on as a Premium service that members can purchase.
I don't know how much it costs to conduct a background check, but it shouldn't be too much.

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