INTERNET DATING SCIENCE - July 26 - Kathryn Lord has summarized Matching and Sorting in Online Dating Study in plain English for Internet Dating Science. Users want the best possible matches for the least time and money invested. The authors suggest that in traditional mating, the search costs (the search and the risk of rejection) are considerable, but that online dating is designed to minimize the costs (numbers of singles concentrated in one place, rejection risk minimal because of anonymity and ease of contact, and the only cost being the dating site’s fee and the effort of writing of a witty email). Based on this information, you should:
- Recognize that a realistic customer will more likely be a satisfied customer.
- Persistently educate your customers about searching, "favoriting," and making first contacts.
- Make sure that your customers understand that a high non-response rate to first email contacts is normal and to be expected.
- Suggest that customers systematically widen their search criteria until they have consistent positive returns to their first emails.
- In particular, encourage women to make first contacts.