OPW - Aug 24 - Courtland Brooks has a number of clients who are actively looking for internet dating site acquisition and investment opportunities, along with co-reg and profile buys. Budgets run from the $thousands to the $millions. Interested? Please let me know what you've got, and we'll vet and forward to clients for their consideration. If you don't mind being public, and have a reasonable 'priced-to-sell' price in mind, we can also list your site for sale on OPW. There's not cost for this. You can see a list of our current clients under on the right bar of OPW. - [email protected].
Hi! I have a datingsite that i want to sell. It has 3 languages(Norwegian,English and Russian). 589 Male members and 117 Female members.
It has alot of potentian for the right persons.
How can i sell this to the higest bidder?
Posted by: mads | Jan 04, 2014 at 07:48 AM
I want to sell this dating website, www.lovemealone.com, any interested buyer should contact me direct on my email [email protected]
Posted by: Godwin Ogboe | Jun 03, 2014 at 10:35 AM