Mobile Dating Apps Show Who's Single Without the Mingle - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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S. Marlin

If you have the development resources to accomplish it, a mobile dating app can provide significant end user experience improvements over simply providing a mobile web site. Add in-app billing and an easy to use mobile billing solution to really open new revenue potential.

nigel jhon

The year 2010 will go down in history for mobile dating becoming mainstream with many of the traditional online dating sites launching their apps. A Juniper research study estimates that mobile dating will be a 1.4 billion dollar industry by 2014


I recently came across a website called -- it's the best I've come across so far for scam free dating, which has been a huge problem on almost all the sites I've been on. One cool feature is that you can chat with anyone in more than 60 languages, and it's completely free.

Yes, mobile dating is becoming more & more popular. I agreed with Alex & nigel jhon

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