Release ‘REALLY?’ Video in Response to Shrek Virus - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Online Dating

Great video guys!

Jerry Buchs

Assuming the virus didn't cause any permanent damage and depending how much time it took to kick out the members who weren't "approved," it may've all been worth the PR value.

Mark Brooks

Dating sites are all about filtering. just takes this filtering to the extreme, right at the front gate.

link pyramid

If they are so beautiful why would they bother using a dating site?

Glenn G. Millar

Admittedly it's a pretty brilliant video. However, did you ever notice that sometimes you date a drop-dead person and after getting to know them, he or she is not physically attractive anymore. On the other hand haven't you ever met someone who you were not physically attracted to initially, but after getting to know them, you found them physically attractive. Interesting phenomenon, isn't it?

As one person once said, "Show me a single beautiful woman and I'll show you a guy who's tired of sleeping with her."

Glenn G. Millar

small typo in the above, should be "drop-dead gorgeous person"

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