OPW - Dec 4 - We've noticed quite a few dating company founders are foraying into the daily deals space. The latest addition is Fabrice LeParc, the founder of troubled (that's being kind) dating site SmartDate. Squarechic.com offers 2 for 1 deals, on "WHATever, and WHENever", starting with New York, London and Paris. An iPhone & Android app will give users a subscription based 'virtual pass' which pinpoints their exact location to show participating deals around them. The app is due to launch December 2011. Fabrice has teamed up with Daniel Kershaw who was formerly country manager for the UK based electronics retailer Dixons. Great business model, but a lousy name. 'WHATever, WHENever' is amusingly laissez-faire. Hopefully this business will fly more smoothly, and contractors and employees will get paid.
Employees and contractors paid? You've got to be kidding me. That's not how I work. If anyone paid attention to how things went with #smartdate, they'd know better. Why do you think I moved to NYC? I'm a new face in a new place and I can reinvent myself.
Posted by: FabriceLeFake | Dec 07, 2011 at 06:09 PM
OPW, again, your Twitter login system is not working correctly, please fix.
Mark, I wish you were this forthcoming with clients. You have no problem slamming others but handle your clients with kid gloves. Tough love, baby, practice it.
Posted by: Datinginsider | Dec 07, 2011 at 10:50 PM