Gary Kremen, Founder Of And Founder & CEO Of Sociogramics - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Jon C

I thought it a bit odd that Gary should refer to today as being 'impertinent' (3rd para) but now realise it was probably a transcription error. Think (although it was a little indistinct) that he actually said 'it's been an improvement. :-)

Mark Brooks

Oops. Thanks for catching this.

Alexandra Kytlin

I can't believe has been existence for that long! This should be a lesson to people especially the youth that a problem is often an opportunity. Gary Kremen wanted a wife and the process he created an option that most people nowadays use!

Brad edwards

Gary will always be way ahead of movers and shakers . His way of thinking is 10 years ahead of the population. . Ten years from now you might be interviewing Gary and asking the same question and him giving you the same answers the only changes are the names of the company's!!!

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