OPW - Feb 14 - One of our Power User Panel members noticed some ASPCA ads on the logout/exit page from Match.com. "Hey Mark, how would you like to see these faces everyday when you log in and out of Match? Now don't get me wrong, I love animals and I donate to several "no kill" shelters here in Chicago but these ads for the ASPCA have been going on for almost 2 weeks. I think it's in bad taste not to mention depressing. But hey, to Match advertising revenue is advertising revenue right? I'm sure they could care less what the customer thinks...lol."
"I did think about that, but I donate to "Pets In Need", PAWS, and "Save A Pet" by check only. None of them even have my email address nor have I ever been to any of thier websites. So that's not it."
What do you think? Your comments please.