OPW INTERVIEW - Mar 6 - FlipMe has an interesting angle on idating. Cards. Others have tried before, but her business is catching on. The press like her style. The cards are funny, and she's coined the term 'flirting retail product.' - Mark Brooks
Why FlipMe? What's your founding story?
The concept for FlipMe started back in 2008. My last relationship of 8 years was an almost missed connection. I was having lunch with my parents, and he was having lunch with colleagues. We made eye contact, but it was an awkward situation to make a move. Instead of letting the moment slip by, he passed a note through the waitress after his table left. FlipMe was started to avoid those missed connections, and facilitate a way for people to connect in any situation. We spent several years doing the legal (patents, trademarks, etc) and financial legwork.
How do you make money?
We are the only flirting retail product of its kind. Our packs are designed to be an impulse purchase at retail and hospitality locations. The packs of cards (each pack is $25 retail and includes 30 cards and a 6-month subscription) are sold online and at retail locations nationwide.
Others have tried this before, how is your business more enduring?
We are not looking to replace online dating, and we recognize that we are an accessory, a tool. Our goal is to make dating and flirting fun again, and make it almost like a game. Our ability to be sold at retail is also a huge advantage.
Do you have a way to work with idating companies?
We would love to connect with idating companies to offer the cards as a complement to their sites. There are many ways to co-brand and even integrate the profiles/landing pages. We are open to all possibilities. I think our company offers the perfect compliment to most online dating sites as it brings the best of both worlds - a way for people to safely connect with others online AND off.
How's sales?
Sales are steady. We get some great surges with press - our feature in Cosmopolitan Magazine this month (attached) was a great boost. I also do flirting and dating coaching so when I am called on as an expert in the media, sales benefit as well. Right now we are working to integrate with the hospitality sector which could be huge.
What surprises have you had as you've grown your business?
Everything has been a surprise! I think the best surprise has been the love from the media. We have been blessed with a great response to the concept by the press. Also surprising was how quickly similar companies sprouted up. This is why I always remind people of the importance of patent protection (as a lawyer myself legal barriers to entry is a non-negotiable).
What's your goals for 2012?
Our goals are to find strategic partners in the dating and hospitality industry to place the product. We also have plans to develop the site itself into a forum and destination for single women to engage, learn and communicate.