Badoo's Bad Ass Ads In NYC - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Given the effect a photo has on landing page conversion - I hope they have some more mainstream attractive photos there. They may be going for the whole cool & quirky, slightly boho vibe which may work well in NYC.

It's going to be interesting to see how the company combines their CMO Jessica's PR and brand strength with their historically strong numbers acquisition strategy. I wonder how many signups this will generate compared to what they'd get if they spent it on affiliates, online spend etc and how Andrey will react to the results.

If they're spending around US$1 to acquire a member through affiliates and online generally, will they get millions of members from what must be a multi-million dollar campaign? Of course that's not the purpose of this campaign, brand building will be. But saying that and shareholders being pleased with a few tens of thousands sign up from such a spend is a different story.

Either way, it's great to see a campaign like this live and hopefully it'll work well for them.



The people that are on Badoo are not quirky or boho. Billboards are nice for a branding push, but when the quirky people show up, they are going to be overwhelmed by decidedly non-quirky Spanish-speaking people. Actually, the Spanish angle might work in multi-cultural New York.

Badoo needs more stuff to do on the site, its literally a hot or not discovery engine with an old chat window. Social discovery means profiles and shared interests, clicking on photos if someone is hot, well there's a market for that but its aiming a bit low. I would have expected them to roll out some new features before spending money on billboards. But with $150M in revenue, whats a few million in marketing, even if they don't get a great return? No big deal.

Why would affiliates promote Badoo when they can promote American Singles? ;-)

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