OPW - June 17 -The iDate agenda looks super strong now, and Marc's extended the deadline to Monday for buying tickets online at $975, vs $1250 at the door. So book online already, and save your company a few bucks.
I took a look over the iDate agenda and here's my top picks.
SinglesAroundMe was one of the first location based dating services and the CEO is going to speak about LBS dating's past, present and future.
Manhunt have gone the HTML5 route, rather than using a native app. The founder, Jonathan Crutchley will explain the why's and their challenges with HTML5 vs using a native app.
If you haven't gotten your head around Social Discovery yet, you need to. The CEO of Yoke.me will speak on this subject.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Geoff Cook, the CEO of Quepasa / MeetMe speak on social dating. He's one of the movers and shakers in the industry, and the COO of one of the few public companies.
Google and Bing are talking about mobile dating marketing. And the inimitable Ted Verani, who's worked for Trillibis for several year now, will give you the skinny on getting usability right on mobile dating. These two sessions alone should make the conference for you. Then there's startup pitches and an overview of mobile payments.
And that's just the first day! A few years ago that would have been an entire two day conference.
On the second day, HTC is speaking, no less. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in the works. I love HTC phones. I must admit I'm carrying a Samsung Note now (plus iPhone). So I wonder how HTC will convert me and mdating users away next year?
IBIS World are doing reports on the idating industry now. They'll be attending and sharing numbers and analysis on the industry.
The afternoon Wednesday pre-conference session looks exemplary, with executives form Jumptap, Leadsmob and IM Grind giving the lay-of-the-land in marketing techniques. And I've knocked myself out to pull together a 3 hour pre-conference session on mobile dating strategy in a very different format than ever before. More on that later.
We hope you can make it. This is a conference you can't afford to miss. Mobile dating is the future, so we'd better get our heads around it.