SHARECAST - Oct 25 - Mark Doughty, the Finance Director of Cupid, pocketed a significant sum of money on Tuesday after trading in 610,228 shares. The shares were sold at 202.08p, earning him a total of £1.2m. Mark Doughty now holds 24,650 ordinary shares, equal to 0.03% of the issued share capital of the company and holds a further 777,667 share options in the company.
Interesting. Now we know the "Cupid Gets Attention From IAC" was pure bluff. I remember Sir Stelios said in an interview "strange attitude for a listed company. I will never invest 1$ in this company".
Posted by: Segers | Oct 26, 2012 at 02:38 PM
Interesting indeed, when the finance director dumps half of his shares like this, it sends a clear message. I talk to investors about public dating sites often, people moving millions of dollars frequently, and they *always* pay close attention to executive sell-offs. The IAC rouse was kind of off, to say the least, not a smart move IMHO. Investors paid attention to that as well. Compared to Spark, Cupid is playing the game aggressively, which is fascinating to watch.
Posted by: Datinginsider | Oct 26, 2012 at 10:36 PM
If you look at the Half Year Report:
you will see point "10. Contingencies"
I just wonder why Cupid Plc did not mention the fact that our company Cupidon Sàrl in France sued them.
The decision will fall on november 22th.
This is a lack of transparancy.
Posted by: Peters Frederic | Oct 27, 2012 at 01:14 PM