VENTURE BEAT - Oct 30 - A special report published in this month's issue of Glamour Magazine highlights the dangers of scammers in online dating. “On most dating sites, one out of 10 profiles is a scammer,” Mark Brooks, editor of Online Personals Watch told Glamour. Con artists will user publicly obtained profile photos, often of military members, and create a fake profile to target people. The FBI recently issued a warning about a different kind of online dating scam known as “ransomware.” It’s a virus that will make your computer inoperable until you hand over a payment.
by Christina Farr
See full article at Venture Beat
Mark Brooks: B.S. misquote. I said, 'on some sites as many as 1 in 10 profiles is a scammer.'
I don't think I've seen many fake military profile, this must be a new thing. Most are from the same CD's and sellers of fake profiles that have been around forever. Scraped photos from Facebook, are much more prevalent, especially on sites where you sign in with FB connect. 1-in-10 is about right for sites that don't scan aggressively for fake profiles (casual/free sites), for most top sites that ratio is *much* higher.
Posted by: Datinginsider | Nov 01, 2012 at 10:57 PM