YOUR TANGO - Dec 20 - The top two ways that people meet are through friends or via cyberspace. More and more couples are getting help from, just like Alex and Aggie of Markus Frind, founder of, describes what makes online chemistry connections distinct.
Q: Do you agree that online dating makes people unrealistic and picky?
A: Having so many options to choose from can cause a disconnect between you and people you might be interested in dating in real life.
Q: Has fate and society propelled people to rely on technology to find their other half?
A: The fate factor is always up for debate, and I wouldn't say that people have to reply on technology to meet someone special, but POF definitely expands people's dating horizons.
Q: Is online dating best suited for certain types of people?
A: Online dating can work for anyone who is ready to meet someone and is willing to open themselves up to new experiences.