WSN - Mar 5 - With ~72M Internet users, a population of ~400M and aggressive mobile growth, the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region is booming with opportunities for the personals industry. White label dating provider WorldSingles Networks realized that they are missing out on the majority of the addressable market due to their lack of Arabic language localization. As of today, their white label matchmaking solution and ArabLounge, the dating site for the Arab diaspora, are available in Arabic.
The full article was originally published at World Singles Networks website, but is no longer available.
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Its kind of amazing World Singles did so much with ArabLounge without being in Arabic. But World Singles focuses on diaspora. Despite that they have the top dating site in Greece with Greece is one of the last markets in Europe to take hold of iDating.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Mar 05, 2013 at 04:52 PM