MIRROR.CO.UK - Feb 1 - Girls as young as 13 use this teen dating site which allows them to be targeted with vile sexual messages from older men. It is the most popular dating site for under-18s in the UK. Shockingly, many users are adults trying to contact naive youngsters. The site allows anyone aged 13 to 25 to register, give out contact details and post provocative pictures of themselves. The profiles are all public. It is estimated that Facebook could lose up to 80% of its users in three years to newer sites including MyLOL, Ask.fm and Chatroulette. The website says it takes no responsibility for interaction between members.
by Pamela Owens & Bethany Wells
See full article at Mirror.co.uk
Its tough to verify ages of users in the UK. Background checks aren't allowed. Facebook doesn't allow kids, so they can't register via Facebook. Its a conundrum. Teens deserve a (social) dating app as well. But they have to dupe the systems to get in. Which leaves them exposed to abuse.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Feb 04, 2014 at 01:24 PM