OPW - Apr 15 - The Internet Dating Executive Alliance (IDEA) has 700+ members, 60% of which are CEOs or owners of iDating companies. It's by invitation only, for executives/owners/leaders of iDating companies.
I’m hosting IDEA Roundtable dinners in May/June. Each dinner will have a discussion theme based on a question, and a special guest. Can you make any of these dates?
- NYC – Mon 11th May – What is the future of iDating?
- Dallas – Wed 13th May – Will Match rule the world?
- L.A. – Thu 14th May – Can eHarmony extend their brand?
- San Francisco – Thu 21st May – Where’s the opportunity in wearable computing?
- Beijing – Wed 27th May – What are the top dating sites in Asia now?
- Boston – Wed 3rd June – How can we gain true strategic competitive advantage?
- London – Tue 9th June – Is private labeling the future, or is it mired because of mobile?
Please email me at [email protected] to RSVP. These dinners are meant to be small, and are just for owners and executives of the top Internet dating companies. Intimate discussions of interesting topics with your peers, in private.
This initiative is sponsored by .
Please consider using BeehiveID services to authenticate your users and improve the quality of your dating site. Please email me at [email protected] for a white paper on 'social authentication.'
Post by Mark Brooks @