VANITY FAIR - Aug 10 - As soon as people could go online they were using it as a way to find partners to date and have sex with. In the 90s it was Craigslist and AOL chat rooms, then and Mobile dating went mainstream five years ago. ~50M people are on Tinder where they might find a sex partner as easily as they’d find a cheap flight to Florida. Dating apps are the free-market economy come to sex. The innovation of Tinder was the swipe. OkCupid soon adopted the function. Hinge, which allows for more information about a match’s circle of friends through Facebook, and Happn, which enables GPS tracking to show whether matches have recently “crossed paths,” use it too. It’s really addicting. “Short-term mating strategies” seem to work for plenty of women too; some don’t want to be in committed relationships, either, particularly those in their 20s.