ANEWDOMAIN - Sep 14 - Avid has planned a $200M IPO on the London Stock Exchange, which the recent Ashley Madison hack supposedly waylaid. But leaked emails suggest that the so-called LSE float was a PR-generated story handed to BloombergUK. In an April 16 message to Jason DeZwirek, the firm's largest owner at 30%, Biderman allegedly noted that even some of his "sophisticated financial advisors believed it to be true."
by Gina Smith
See full article at ANewDomain
No surprises here. They're always digging for new PR opportunities. Nothing builds the legitimacy of a company like lots of press hits in financial publications. And they have the double-whammy of gaining new users from these financially minded and affluent audiences as well.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Sep 16, 2015 at 05:37 PM