OPW - Mar 23 - This is a forum for open and fair discussion but this is also a forum for professionals. It's important that someone's reputation stand behind each comment. Please include your name and contact email when posting a comment. If you choose to be anonymous and a company complains specifically about your comment because it is anonymous and derogatory, we will be inclined to remove it.
Post by Mark Brooks @ Courtland Brooks.
I understand,
But :
- I personnaly consider myself like a real expert about online dating services.
- And I really prefer to use the name of the brand I promote or at least a special pseudo (like Cougarette) ...
I hope that you'll consider my arguments ...
Anyway, thanks for your work and best regards.
Posted by: Maxicougar | Mar 24, 2016 at 04:45 AM
Sure. Sounds good. This only applies to derogatory comments anyway. We encourage thoughtful criticism. If a comment is derogatory, we like to know if there's any bias involved. Showing identify achieves two things. People's biases are more evident, and they're more likely to put more thought and consideration into their commenting. We want rich discourse here. Not devolved diatribe.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | May 02, 2016 at 05:43 AM