UPTOWN1RADIO - Feb 26 - Mark Brooks, an online dating consultant, says niche dating sites create a romantic community around identity. "Where people have made a call on what they want, they don't really want to meet anyone who's outside the particular thing that they're looking for." But Brooks says the idea is one thing and the business is another. It's really not a big money maker at all. VeggieDate may help vegetarians find love over veggie patties, but it isn't making much money. The site's been alive for several years and membership is steady at 10K users. But according to Brooks, that isn't very many for a niche site.
Mark, really? Using VeggieDates as your example is just awful. There are tons of niches out there that are making a lot of money. In fact, I know of 10 niche sites right now that are doing well over $60,000 per month. To say that niche dating is not a money maker just shows that you haven't done your research.
Posted by: David | Mar 02, 2016 at 04:58 PM