OPW - Feb 17 - Liftoff.io works with a lot of dating apps and has some unique insight. This infographic has some stellar info. Here's a summary of some of the most notable dating app marketing intelligence they've gathered.
North America - CPI is $6.06 and $9.21 per registrant. Subscribers payout $109.61
Europe - CPI is $2.44 and $3.11 per registrant. Subscribers payout a whopping $317.90
Asia - CPI is $3.10 and $2.91 per registrant. Huh!? I'll inquire why the regsitrant cost is lower than the CPI and let you know the answer in the comments. Subscribers payout $148.49 apparently.
Women cost more than guys to find, but they spend more. $251.12 for women on average, vs $228.55 for men. Do these numbers look a tad high to you? Please let me know your questions in the comments and I'll try and line up an interview with someone at Liftoff.io and ask your questions to them.
Post by Mark Brooks @ Courtland Brooks.