ENTREPRENEUR - Mar 27 - Brian Norgard, head of product and revenue at Tinder, has been on both sides of acquisitions at the company. He came aboard Tinder after it acquired his messaging app Tappy in Jan 2015. Now he helps evaluate other startups to determine whether they're fit to join the company's ranks. Tinder recently acquired visual storytelling app Wheel. Wheel CEO and co-founder Paul Boukadakis has joined the company as VP of special initiatives. Norgard and Boukadakis talked about how ambitious startups can set themselves up for a range of growth options - and, when acquisition is one of those options, what to expect.
- Never start a company with acquisition as your end goal.
- Learn from other people's mistakes.
- Build a high-quality product and team.
- Make sure your mission is aligned.
- Talk to people outside of your immediate circle.
- Don't give up.