Vlogumentary: Indian Dating And Matrimonials - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Wedding planners in Mumbai

"Planned" marriages! Nice term. Now there will be 4 kinds of marriages: Love, arranged, love-cum-arranged and planned! Jokes apart, every marriage, no matter the cause, needs to be carefully planned by one or two members of the family who may or may not have any experience of organising any marriage. So along with portal wedding planners are much in demand too so every wedding looks like it was carefully planned and perfectly executed.

Mark Brooks

This documentary covers:
- The massive demographic changes in India - 200 million people in urban centres now. Goes to 600m by 2030.
- The cultural nuances of dating in India
- How roguish behaviour surfaces
- How dating apps deal with bad actors
- How young singles view dating
- The changing norms of matrimony vs dating
- User perspectives
- How parents use matrimonial services
- How society is making matrimonial services morph and become more adaptive
- Philosophy of matrimony service CEOs
- How matrimonial services are using behavioral science
- The differences between dating and matrimonials
- How marriage differs in India vs the West
- Love marriage vs Arranged marriage vs Planned marriage
- How courting periods are now prevalent in India
- The rationality of dating in India vs recommendation engines - 'a book doesn't have to like you back'

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