OPW - Nov 27 - The video dating app HIMYNAMEIS (iTunes, Android; read: Hi my name is) is for sale. The app has been developed during 2015-2017 and soft launched in Sweden (with ~6300 registrations). The current owners have moved on to other projects and lack financial resources to establish the product on other markets. HIMYNAMEIS is based on the idea that a short video (max 10 sec), where the users are asked to just say their name, is a more realistic way to find potential partners than swiping pics. Asking price is $90k for the technical platform (backend with iOS and Android apps), documentation, app admin interface, the website (Wordpress) and the brand. Currently there are no revenues. The app supports interstitial ads, but the idea is to add subscription features later. The app was developed by DBBest, an Ukraine/American company and the team is still is available if the new owners want to do adjustments and continue developing the product. The tech stack is a MySQL-database, PHP using the Symfony2-framework, hosted on AWS, and the native apps. More info here: https://www.dbbest.com/blog/himynameis-application-review/. Contact Olle on [email protected] if you are interested.
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