BUSINESS2COMMUNITY - Nov 27 - Hater dating app, which went viral earlier this year, connects people based on what they hate. The sharks think it's an interesting idea. Since Valentine's Day, they have accumulated ~500k users. Barbara Corcoran loves the name and offers $250k for 5%, which she says must be accepted right away. Lori Greiner then jumps in and offers $200K for 10% with a promise to create a whole brand around the app. Corcoran then goes out since he did not immediately accept her initial offer. Mark Cuban makes an offer as well, coming in at $200K for 7.5% and 2.5% in advisory shares. Cuban likes the idea of using celebrity influencers, in addition to the gaming aspect. Robert Herjavec likes the PR angle and offers $250K for 15% with Corcoran for a total investment of $500K. Ultimately, Hater's Founder Brendan Alper accepts Cuban's offer.
by Erica Abbott
See full article at Business2Community
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