GEEKWIRE - May 4 - Three Day Rule (TDR) expanded to its tenth city. TDR combines technology with in-person vetting, said Talia Goldstein, who founded the company in 2013. "We meet all of our matches in person, so we're making curated introductions based on off-paper qualities rather than on-paper stats," she explained. Anyone can sign up to become part of TDR's database, which includes 100K members, and be eligible to be matched to paying clients. A paid membership starts at $4,500 for a three-month package and includes vetted matches, professional photography, post-date feedback, and coaching. TDR has raised $2.4M to date. Goldstein said TDR doubled revenue in 2017 and has ~50 matchmakers nationwide, including two in Seattle.
by Taylor Soper
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