PR NEWSWIRE - Oct 23 - Cove, a new dating app launching this October, focuses on motivating and advancing deeper conversation to uncover chemistry. The word Cove is derived from the "co" of "conversation," and the "ve" from "love" (COnversation + loVE = COVE). Cove requires interested users to apply for membership, rather than allowing just anyone to join. Some people are verified via LinkedIn, while the more creative professionals, who might not have a LinkedIn account, will be verified via Instagram. Once verified, male users can invite women to #MeetInTheCove. Men have a limited amount of invites they can send out. If a woman accepts an invite, text messages can be sent and received through the app. Once 7 texts have been exchanged, both sides must agree within 48h to move the conversation to voice messages (Level 2). Level 2 allows for 3 voice messages to be exchanged, while temporarily removing texting. After three voice messages are exchanged, it's time for video messages (Level 3). Level 3 is complete after one video message is exchanged. If these three levels of communication are not completed within 10 days, the match disappears forever.