OPW - Oct 30 - eHarmony's CEO Grant Langston was just on a webinar today, entitled 'Leveraging A.I. to boost customer acquisition, engagement, and retention,' which is available here.
Speakers were:
- Grant Langston, CEO, eHarmony
- Dave Gerhardt, VP Marketing, Drift
- Brian Witlin, CEO, Yummly
- Moira Dorsey, Founder, Dorsey Experience
As part of the scene setting they stated that Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, was quoted in the past as saying "A.I. is one of the most important things humanity is working on. Its more profound than electricity or fire."
Grant Langston kicked the webinar off and in his intro he mentioned that he started as a copywriter, no less, at eHarmony and has been with the company 18 years now. "I Feel a real attachment to the business and the mission."
Grant also stated that at eHarmony "A.I. is at the heart of everything we do. Integral to the whole company. We probably know more about our customers than any company in the world."
"When you join eHarmony and take 150 questions... We put you in a 'bucket'... Then as you make choices about the matches that we present, the machine is learning about you as an individual... The more you use the product, the more we learn about you."
When asked about if eHarmony reveals much about the A.I., Grant said, "People don't generally want to know about the algorithms and how we match. But it's there if they want to dig in and review it."
The group was asked about where a good place to start with A.I. was and Grant said that many companies may not need to integrate A.I. into the hearts of their products but, "a good place to start with AI is using it in marketing."
Finally, Grant mentioned that A.I. and the eHarmony experience was consistent across mobile and desktop. "We strive to provide the same experience across all of the platforms, for the 5 countries we're in."
Post by Mark Brooks, CEO IDEA