VOX - Oct 23 - Bumble rolled out a new campaign last week featuring billboards in Times Square, posters in subway stations across the city, and ads in the New York Post. The campaign, which is called #FindThemOnBumble and reportedly cost several million dollars to execute, features 112 people whom the company has deemed its "most inspiring users" in New York. Bumble is by no means the first company to use "real people" to advertise its product. Dove's "real beauty" commercials, which have been around for more than a decade now, "always feature real women, never models," according to the company. The people featured in Bumble campaign may be real people - real Bumble users - but they aren't exactly ordinary. They are models, actors and personal trainers, a professional ballerina, and the founders of several companies, including SoulCycle, Sweetgreen, By Chloe, and Refinery29.