USA TODAY - Oct 17 - New data from OkCupid shows politics is playing an increasingly important role in dating. 85% of millennial men and women said voting was "extremely or very important" to them. Melissa Hobley, CMO at OkCupid, said the data reflects a growing trend among millennial users: voting with your dating app. Hobley said that since President Donald Trump's inauguration, OkCupid has seen a "massive spike" in political terms on user profiles. The data show that politics is the "dealbreaker or dealmaker" for many OkCupid users, Hobley said. In many cases, respondents said they would not date someone who didn't share their political beliefs. 73% of millennial women and 56% of millennial men said they would prefer a partner who votes for the same party they do. 75% of women said they wouldn't date someone who didn't support the #MeToo movement, and 46% wouldn't date a nonvoter. However, 77% of men said they'd date someone who didn't vote.