THE MOTLEY FOOL - Oct 31 - According to, 33% of young singles believe that their financial situation is getting in the way of dating. 20% don't even think they should be dating at all until they achieve a particular income level. According to a study on underemployment by The Economic Policy Institute (EPI), in 2018, 11% of young college graduates were underemployed, up from 9.4% in 2007 and 6.9% in 2000. The term underemployed includes graduates who are unemployed as well as those who could only find part-time jobs. Other research puts the total unemployment rate for millennials at over 12%, which is much higher than the national average. A study by The Ascent found that 63% of millennials still depended on their folks financially to some extent. In 2018, the average cost of a date - including two dinners, one bottle of wine, and two movie tickets - was $102.