KYODO NEWS - Dec 30 - AI and other cutting-edge technologies are starting to play a matchmaking role as they find their ways into people's lives in Japan. AI devices are being employed to give people a picture of their potential mates along with everything about them. Matchmaking agency Zwei held a konkatsu (spouse hunting) party in June, at which participants wore wristbands. When they shook hands with each other, their profiles appeared on a tablet computer, facilitating conversation. Zwei adopted AI technology in April, called "intra-body communication," which starts or stops communication with human contact. The use of the technology has improved the success rate of matchmaking by 10 to 20%, according to Zwei. Akita in northeastern Japan may be known for its Akita bijin, or beauties of Akita. But the prefectural government will begin an AI-based matchmaking service in January in a bid to raise the marriage rate there, which is the lowest among Japan's 47 prefectures.