BBC - Dec 4 - While almost half of adults under 35 living in the US and the UK have tried online dating, and the industry increased by 11% in North America between 2014 and 2019, there are growing signs that many would rather not be using these methods. A BBC survey in 2018 found that dating apps are the least preferred way for 16- to 34-year-old Britons to meet someone new. For them, deleting the apps has been more about winning time back in their lives for other activities rather than a reaction to painful experiences. The rise of app-based dating coincided with a decline in social spaces in which people used to find potential sexual partners and dates. Gay bars are closing at a rapid rate in around the world. Half of the UK's nightclubs shut their doors between 2005 and 2015. What's next for dating? Scott Harvey, editor of Global Dating Insights, says that AI and video are the "two main talking points in the industry" right now.