L'EXPRESS - Apr 19 - Before the coronavirus, dating was held over a drink. Now, they take place by camera. Nothing stops the quest for a soul mate. Not even containment. Dating apps are running at full speed.
"Among all dating players, we are witnessing a 20 to 40% jump in activity, whether it is the number of messages exchanged or new subscribers," notes Mark Brooks, consultant and president of Courtland Brooks & IDEA.gp. Tinder even beat its record "swipes" at the end of March.
"There was indeed an air gap at the start of confinement," says Clémentine Lalande, director of Once. "But it quickly gave way to a lasting rebound in interactions between users".
"The week following the announcement of confinement by Emmanuel Macron was marked by a marked drop in activity," confirms Héloïse des Monstiers, France director of Meetic. "But very quickly, discussions resumed. On Easter Sunday we even registered 20% more [users] than Valentine's Day."